Prof. Sir David Spiegelhalter FRS OBE (University of Cambridge)

Chance, luck, and ignorance; how to put our uncertainty into numbers We all have to live with uncertainty about what is going to happen, what has happened, and why things turned out how they did.  We attribute good and bad events as ‘due to chance’, label people as ‘lucky’, and (sometimes) admit our ignorance.  I will show how to use the […]

Prof. Mark Jerrum (Queen Mary University London)

Perfect sampling, old and new The possibility of obtaining perfect samples efficiently from a complex probability distribution entered the consciousness of the community in the mid-nineties with the invention of `coupling from the past’ by Propp and Wilson.  The study of perfect samplers of course has considerable theoretical appeal.  But, in addition, their ‘self clocking’ aspect may have practical advantages.  […]

Prof. Benjamin Doyon (King’s College London)

The emergence of hydrodynamics in many-body systems One of the most important problems of modern science is that of emergence. How do laws of motion emerge at large scales of space and time, from much different laws at small scales? Hydrodynamics offers a basic but very relevant example. Molecules in air simply go along their journey following Newton’s equations. But […]

Prof. John Baez (University of California, Riverside)

Category Theory in Epidemiology “Stock and flow diagrams” are widely used for modeling in epidemiology. Modelers often regard these diagrams as an informal step toward a mathematically rigorous formulation of a model in terms of ordinary differential equations. However, these diagrams have a precise syntax, which can be explicated using category theory. Although commercial tools already exist for drawing these […]

Prof. Raúl Tempone (RWTH Aachen University and KAUST)

Navigating the Unknown: Harnessing Uncertainty in Renewable Energy and Heart Health Uncertainty Quantification (UQ) emerges as a guiding force in the turbulent sea of data-driven domains, from energy to health. This talk presents a methodology that harnesses UQ for robust renewable energy forecasting, employing a stochastic differential equation model that sails beyond the challenges of wind and solar predictability. Shifting […]

Prof. Rachel Norman FRSE (University of Stirling)

Deconstructing beta: Using mathematical models to understand disease transmission and control – (Stirling) In this talk we will look at mathematical models of infectious diseases and how we model disease transmission and hence understand disease control for a series of case studies. Starting with the simple models that you will be familiar with since covid and ending with an example […]

Steven Tobias (University of Edinburgh)

From Order to Chaos and Chaos to Order in Fluid Flows The eleven year solar activity cycle is a remarkable example of regular behaviour emerging from an extremely turbulent system. The jets on Jupiter sit unmoving on a sea of turbulent eddies. Astrophysical phenomena often display organisation on spatial and temporal scales much larger than the turbulent processes that drive […]

Martin Bridson (University of Oxford)

Finite Shadows of Infinite Groups, Finiteness Properties, and Geometry There are many situations in geometry and group theory where it is natural, convenient or necessary to explore infinite groups via their actions on finite objects. But how much understanding can one really gain about an infinite group by examining its finite images? Sometimes little, sometimes a lot. In this colloquium […]

Gavin Gibson (Heriot-Watt University)

Data Augmentation and Imagination The technique of data augmentation, whereby observed data are effectively augmented by additional quantities not actually observed in an experiment, has proved to be extremely powerful in modern statistics generally, and in Bayesian parametric inference in particular.  This talk will describe its application to Bayesian inference for epidemic models where many challenges arise from the typically incomplete observations of epidemic processes.

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