Additional member

Chris Smith

Additional Member Chris Smith

Chris completed his BSc (Hons) in Mathematics at Strathclyde University in 2003. After two years researching and teaching at Strathclyde, he then obtained a PGDE in 2005 and began his career as a Maths Teacher at Grange Academy where he has taught since 2006. Chris was the Scottish Teacher of the Year in 2018, is heavily involved in Maths Week Scotland (including devising and running national contest Maths wi nae Borders since 2017) and has been on the Scottish Mathematical Council for 10 years.

Chris writes about Maths (his book ‘That’s Mathematics’ came out in 2023), sings about Maths, tweets about Maths (@aap03102), obsesses about Maths (just ask the 4700 subscribers to his weekly Maths newsletter), dreams about Maths and regularly chats about Maths (his wacky PiDay antics are the subject of his TEDx talk).

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