Membership information

Applying for membership

Membership of the Society is open to all who are interested, subject to approval by the EMS General Committee.

If you would like to become a member of the EMS, please send an email to the EMS meetings and membership secretary expressing your interest. Put your name at the start of the subject line. Your name will then be presented to the General Committee for consideration. New members are usually announced at the next meeting of the Society.

Current subscription charges

Please note that subscription fee should not be paid before approval of membership.

Subscription Notice for 2023-24

Subscriptions are now due for the 2023-24 EMS session. We have moved to a new direct debit provider, and all pre-existing Direct Debits have been cancelled. (Pre-existing direct debits may still be listed as active in your bank account, but we have cancelled them with the BACS intermediary so no future payments will be taken.)

Ordinary Membership£24
Reciprocal Membership£12

Senior Membership is open to members of at least 25 years standing who are either aged over 65 years or permanently retired from full time employment. They pay no membership subscription. Existing Life Members also pay no further subscription. Life Membership is no longer offered. Full-time students at Scottish Universities pay no subscription during the period of their studies. Members who joined the society in the current session are also exempt from paying during their first year.

1. If you usually pay by Direct Debit

Please set up a fresh direct debit at by selecting the regular payment option.

You will have the choice of selecting either the 1st or the 15th of the month for your first payment, and subsequent payments will be taken on the anniversary of that date.

2. If you would like to pay by card, PayPal or CAF account

Choose the just one donation option at

EMS members should not add Gift Aid if they have a source of income for which membership is an allowable expense as in 3.37.11 of the HMRC guidance. The EMS will not normally claim Gift Aid.

3. If you would like to pay by cheque

Post to the Edinburgh Mathematical Society, ICMS, Bayes Centre, 47 Potterrow EH8 9BT. Cheques should be made payable to ‘Edinburgh Mathematical Society’.

Please note that dollar cheques are no longer accepted.

4. If you would like to pay by bank transfer

Our bank details are available on request. Please contact

Agreements with other Societies

The Society has reciprocal agreements with the following Societies overseas, by which membership of one Society gives the right to join others at a reduced subscription:

Members of all these societies who are not based in the UK can join the EMS for half the standard rate.

EMS members can join these societies for a reduced rate, and are also entitled to join the European  Mathematical Society at the reduced “national member society” rate. To join the European Mathematical Society or renew membership, go to the home page and click on the Membership link, then the link to “individual membership”, and choose the option for corporate EMS member society.

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