About the Society

The Edinburgh Mathematical Society (EMS) was founded in 1883 and has since become firmly established as the principal society for the mathematical sciences community in Scotland. The aims of the EMS are the development and promotion of all aspects of the mathematical sciences – including pure and applied mathematics, statistics, operational research, and data science – particularly in Scotland.  It draws its membership from all the Scottish universities and other educational institutions as well as from mathematical scientists in industry and commerce both at home and overseas.

You can read more about the history of the Society on the MacTutor website, hosted by the University of St Andrews.

The EMS is a partner in the Council for Mathematical Sciences which incorporates the London Mathematical Society, the Royal Statistical Society, the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications, and the Operational Research Society.  The Edinburgh Mathematical Society is additionally a corporate member of the European Mathematical Society.

Current officers of the EMS

Prof. Tara E. Brendle FRSEPresident2023–25; past presidents
Prof. Beatrice PelloniVice President2024–25
Dr Linhan LiLibrarian2024–present
Dr Anna KirpichnikovaTreasurer2024–present
Dr Eric HallMeetings and Membership Secretary2024–present
Dr Jessica EnrightGeneral Secretary2017-present

General Committee

Dr Scott HarperRepresentative, University of St Andrews2023-26
Dr Matthew CordesRepresentative, Heriot-Watt University2024-27
Dr Debasish DasRepresentative, University of Strathclyde2023-26
Dr Wen-shin LeeRepresentative, University of Stirling2022-25
Dr Runlian XiaRepresentative, University of Glasgow2024-27
Dr Karen MeyerRepresentative, University of Dundee2024-27
Dr Alexey SevastyanovRepresentative, University of Aderdeen2023-26
Prof. Susan SierraConvener PEMS Editorial Board2024-27

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