
EMS PhD Thesis Prize

Starting in 2019, the society periodically awards an EMS PhD Thesis Prize for the best PhD thesis in pure mathematics, applied mathematics, mathematical physics or statistics.

The EMS PhD Thesis Prize will next be awarded in 2023.

Whittaker Prize

Periodically, the Society awards the Sir Edmund Whittaker Memorial Prize to an outstanding early-career mathematician having a specified connection with Scotland.

  • Whittaker Prize winner 2023

    Prof. Jonathan Fraser (University of St Andrews)

    The Sir Edmund Whittaker Memorial Prize for 2023 has been awarded to Professor Jonathan Fraser of the University of St Andrews in recognition of his outstanding research achievements.

EMS Impact Prize

Introduced in 2021, the EMS Impact Prize recognises the contribution of individuals, teams or partnerships whose work in pure mathematics, applied mathematics, mathematical physics or statistics has had outstanding, demonstrable impact or influence in fields beyond the mathematical sciences.

  • EMS Impact Prize winners 2022

    Prof. Chris Dent, Dr Amy Wilson (The University of Edinburgh) and Dr Stan Zachary (Heriot-Watt University)

    The prize was awarded for the recipients’ collaboration supporting National Grid with methodology for assessment of the risk of electricity supply shortfalls in Great Britain and recommending capacity to mitigate this risk; and for wider contributions to development of collaboration between the energy sector and the mathematical sciences community.

    About the winners

    Chris Dent is Professor of Industrial Mathematics and the University of Edinburgh, and a Fellow at the Alan Turing Institute. He has worked since 2007 on energy systems analysis, with wider interests in decision support in infrastructure, public policy and climate resilience. In 2023-24 he will spend half his time on a knowledge exchange project sponsored by the International Centre for Mathematical Sciences to work with the Global Power System Transformation consortium.

    Amy Wilson is lecturer in Industrial Mathematics at the University of Edinburgh, with a background in applied statistics for problems in industry and government. She has worked on a range of applications including the work with National Grid on assessing the risk of electricity supply shortfalls, emulation of large-scale energy planning models, decision-making under uncertainty, and statistics and the law.

    Stan Zachary is an Honorary Fellow of the School of Mathematical and Computer Sciences at Heriot-Watt University, having been a faculty member in the School from 1979-2015. He is a mathematician and statistician with a particular interest in the management of complex energy systems, particularly in the presence of uncertainty.

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